Saturday, October 1, 2011


LET'S NOT FORGET! Being vegan is not about being a weak vegetable muncher, all nice and conserved and just care a lot about animals. I see it more as a choice which is pretty extreme compared to society's standards and therefore attracts like-minded people. People who have their bullshit detector on point and who want to know what's up. I don't like vegans who have their quiet set of beliefs, who lack nerve and passion, or who are some kind of hipsters who are doing it for the fashion. Especially the last! I'd more like to think of vegans (and straight edgers, of course) as people who are thinkers, not afraid to provoke, maybe a bit bold, a little crazy, perhaps even a little eccentric, and who are fighting the good fight with enthusiasm and ongoing dedication.. And that's the way I like it. It's this kind of people who will take animal rights and the drug-free ethos onto a new level.

Fuck conservatism!

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